Frequently Asked Questions

How to change the church name/page title
Last Updated 9 years ago

  1. To change the name for your church's site, first log in as a site administrator.
  2. At the site administrator's homepage, select "Open Site Administration Settings".
  3. Click "Customization Settings".
  4. Click "Edit display name/url".
  5. Edit the church name (what displays at the top of each page under the logo) and the page titles (what appears after the page name in the browser tab) accordingly.
  6. Click "Save".
  7. Reload the page to see your changes.

Note: if you do not see the new titles when you reload the page, clear your browser's cache and cookies. If you still do not see it after clearing your cache and cookies, it may take up to 2 hours for our CDN (content distribution network - this helps keep the site fast and secure) to update it's cache during peak hours. If you still do not see the new titles after 2 hours, please open a ticket for assistance.

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