Frequently Asked Questions

How to apply a custom css sheet to the page
Last Updated 8 years ago

  1. To change the css for your church's site, first log in as a site administrator.
  2. At the site administrator's homepage, select "Open Site Administration Settings".
  3. Click "Customization Settings".
  4. Click "Edit css".
  5. The current css will display in the textbox.  We recommend that you copy this to your text editor of choice and edit it as you see fit.  Once you are done, paste it back in the textbox instead of the current css and click "Save CSS".

Note: No support for custom CSS is offered.  If you have issues with how your site is displayed once you save your custom css, we can reset it to default for you; however, we can not edit your custom css for you.  You will also stop receiving any updates to the css if you are using custom css so that we do not overwrite your changes; however, you can reset to the default css at any time (which will have the most recent updates).

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