Frequently Asked Questions

How to adjust email reply settings
Last Updated 8 years ago

This feature will not be available until our newest version is released on 3/8/2017.

As of our newest release, if you reply to an email sent from Church Service Planner regarding a ministry assignment or reminder, it will automatically forward to the rest of your team or just to the ministry coordinators - depending on how it is set. By default it will forward to the entire team.

To set it to just email to the ministry coordinators:

  1. Log in as a ministry administrator or site administrator
    1. If prompted to select a ministry, select the ministry you want to edit the reply settings for.
  2. Click "Configure Ministry"
  3. Click "Manage Email Settings"
  4. Change the dropdown to your preferred setting, then click "Save"
  5. The change should then be reflected in any new email that comes through.

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