Frequently Asked Questions

How to use Availability Surveys
Last Updated 8 years ago

This feature will not be available until our newest version is released on 3/8/2017.

As of our newest release, you can use the "availability survey" feature that allows you to poll your volunteers and find out when they aren't available. Once you send out a survey, your volunteers can "un-check" any dates they aren't available to work using the form sent to their email. Once someone un-checks a date and submits the form, they will be automatically be removed from the dropdown when you are assigning people for that day.

To send out an availability survey:

  1. Make sure that you have fully setup your ministry using the steps below:
    1. Add your roles to the ministry
    2. Add your users to the ministry
    3. Setup a weekly schedule
  2. Ensure your schedule is setup so on the scheduling page you can see yellow boxes on each of the dates that you want to ask people their availability on.
  3. From the ministry schedule page, click "Configure Ministry"
  4. Click "Send Availability Survey"
  5. Click your start date (even if your start date is today, make sure to click it to confirm)
  6. Click your end date.
  7. If you wish to add a message to your volunteers (such as information on due-dates or other important information), enter it in the textbox. (This step is optional)
  8. Click "Send Survey"

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