Frequently Asked Questions

How to add a role to a ministry
Last Updated 8 years ago

  1. Log in as a ministry administrator or site administrator.
    • If prompted, select the ministry and click "Open Ministry".
  2. At the Ministry Schedule page, select "Configure Ministry".
  3. Click "Manage Roles".
  4. Click "Create new role".
  5. Enter a name for the role.
  6. Select if the role is optional (this currently doesn't do much in Church Service Planner and is more or less just for your information, but it will probably be used more in future releases of Church Service Planner).
  7. Select if the role should be silent (it will not send out emails to volunteers asking them to fill the role if it isn't already filled).
  8. Select the volunteers that can fill the role.
  9. Click "Save role".

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